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UN(United Nations)


  • The UNO was established on October 24, 1945 with the objective of establishing international peace and security after the history behind the creation of UNO second world 🌍 war. 
  • Therefore, United Nations Day is celebrated on 24th October. 
  • At the time of the establishment of the United Nations (UNO), 🕒 had a total of 51 members including India. Which are called founding members.
  • UNO was named the United Nations by the US President "Frecklin de Ruquet". Conferences prior to the founding of the UNO 
  • Atlantic Charter:- (14/8/1941) US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill met in a warship in the Atlantic Sea. Where he issued an eight-point declaration of allied war-fighting objectives, called the Atlantic Charter. This charter is considered to be the birth giver of the United Nations.
  •  Casablanca Conference :- January 1943: A place called Casablanca in Morocco, Churchill, Roosevelt and Di. The cheeks were found.
  • Moscow Conference :October 1943:- Met the US, Russia, China, and Britain in Moscow.
  •  TehranConference:November - December 1943:-Between the US, Russia and the UK. 
  • Dumbarton-OX Conference: (26/8/1944-7/10/1944): - Between the US, Russia, Britain and China. The key issue was veto. The first draft of the UNO's charter was prepared. 
  • Malta Conference :February 1945:-It was attended by Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. The EC conference gave the five superpowers, the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China the right to permanent membership and veto of the Security Council. 
  • San Francisco Conference :April-June1945: 
  • Birth of UNO 

  • in the United States was attended by delegates from 46 countries. 
  • On 26th June 1945, the members signed the Charter. The Charter of the United Nations came into force in June 24, 1945. This is the reason why the Foundation Day of the United Nations is celebrated on 24th October.
  • The first uno meeting was held at the Best Minister's Hall in London on February 10, 1946. 
  • The head office of THE UNO was first placed in the take-success.
  •  D. Rockfelar's land in Manhattan (New York 🗽) became the head and permanent office of the UNO.
  •  It represents 95% of the world's population.
  •  The Charter of the United Nations contains 10000 words, 111 streams, 19adhyay. Initially, there were 51 members, now 193 members, the last member is south sudan. 
  • The aim of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and order. Which can be briefly expressed in four words:-
  • 1 Security 
  • 2.Justice 
  • 3.Welfare 
  • 4.Human Rights.

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