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Sexual Reproduction:

#Sexual Reproduction:

 Both meiosis & fertilization are essentially present. 
Uniparental       and     biparental.  
       ⬇️                                   ⬇️
1) hermaphrodite.             1)most animals 
     animals.                        2)dioecious plants
2)monoecious plants.                    ⬇️.                                          
        ↙️     ↘️                 Separate ♂️& ♀️plants
   Bisexual.     Unisexual           Ex: date palm,papaya
Flower               flower      
Ex. Mustard,.       ⬇️
      Pea,.             But male and female
     China rose.    Flower on same plant
                            Ex: maize, cucurbits

 Sexual Reproduction is more complex, elaborate and time taking

 Juvenile phase :- Time period before reproductive maturation of organism. 
In plants, it is time period before first fflowering.
Reproductive phase : - Time period where organism is reproductively fertile.

 Senescent Phase - Involve aging & death. 

→ In annual & biennial plants-
             ⬇️.          ⬇️
   (4-5 monthy) (15-16 months)
Juvenil - Vegetative
Reproductive - Flowering & Fruiting.➡️ Once in life            
Senescence.                                of monocarpic plant

Perennial plants Grow for multiple years
1) Some are monocarpic Ex: Bamboo (50-100 yrs) 
                                   ↳ Flowering, fruiting only once.
11) Perennial & Polycarpic Flowering➡️fruiting multiple times.
Ex: mango
Time period between two flowering seasons = Intermediate gap of reproductive phase.

Strobilanthus Kunthiana (Neelakuranji) :-  Flowers of this plant are observed at a gap of 12 yrs.
This is an Annual Plant & complete its life cycle in about 6 months, remaining gap of flowering is spent in seed dormancy.  
Flowers observed after 12yrs are on new plant 
This plant is found in Nilgiri hills, (Kerala & Karnataka)


Pre- fertilization- 
 Gamete formation :- if parent plant haploid        
                                                              ⬇️ Mitosis
          Eg. Most algae, bryophyte and pterido     prothallus
If parent organism diploid (2n)  ➡️  Gametes

Ex: Most animals and Higher Plants 

* Spirogyra ➡️Iso-aplanogamy
Male gamete➡️ Amoeboid Movement.

* Red Algae - Oogamy but no flagella 
Male gamete ➡️Amoeboid Movement

Gamete transfer :- (Algae, Bryophyte, pteridophyte)➡️ water
          Gymno, Angio - Pollen tube

 In seed forming plants, seed setting or formation is more successful as it is not depended on water for fertilisation.

Fertilisation :-
 External fertilisation:- In water ➡️ in most algae. Exception - Spirogyra, Chara -Internal

Internal fertilisation-: Bryo, Pterido, Gymno -➡️Inside archegonium 
           Angio ➡️Embryo Sac

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