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Reproduction In Organism🌷

 Reproduction In Organism🌷

 Life Span :- For a species it is average time period from birth  to nature death.

Life span is not related to complexity of organisms.                                              example: Parrot (140 yrs) & Grow (15 yrs) 

Generally, organism having longer life span have lower reproduction rate 

•Reproduction is important for survival of species.

Asexual Reproduction / Apomixes:-

 • Asexual Spores, Asexual stages, Vegetative Reproduction.

 Includes all methods which are not sexual reproduction. 

Meiosis and / or fertilization absent.

If meiosis is not followed by fertilization then it is not considered as true sexual reproduction. 


 Asex. repro generally involves mitotic division and thus produces clones.

There are only certain exceptions where meiosis ocured but not followed by fertilisation. 


I) Cell Division - Unicelluler.

II) Binnary Fission - Longitudinal : Euglena Transverse :. Bacteria

III) Simple Fission - amoeba

IV) Multiple Fission- Amoeba

Process of cyst formation - Encystation. It helps to

pass unfavourable conditions and also increases


v) Budding- Yeast & Hydra

VI) Fragmentation a) Fungi

                                   b) Filamentous Algae

                                   C) bryophyte➡️ thallus


                                        Moss- Protonema

d) Pterido ➡️ Rhizome


e) Planaria

VII) Asexual Spores ➡️ Zoospores, aplanospores, conidia➡️ penicillium, aspergillus

VIII) Vegetative Reproduction → Rhizome, tuber, sucker, bulb, sucker, stolon, offsit - Morphology 

Leaves➡️ Bryophyllum, euphorbia ➡️ Buds in leaves.

 Kalanchoe➡️ Fleshy leaves.

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