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FAO and world 🌍 food 🍲 day

 Every year World Food Day is celebrated on 16 October. on this day Establishment of World Food and Agriculture Organization took place . World Food Day is celebrated in honor of This. FAO is a part of UNO.

Food and Agriculture Organization of UNO :-

  • Formation:-16 Oct 1945
  • Place:-quebec (canada)
  •  Headquarter :-rome
  • Member Nation:-191
  • Department:-8
  • Meeting:-biennial. 
  • First Director general :sir Jon Boyad or(Briten )
  • Director general Tenure:-3 year. 
  • Current Director general:- Senegal k jeks diyof.
  • Motto:-fiat Panis (in Latin) means (सबको रोटी मिले). 
  • Functions:-exchange of food and agriculture knowledge and Information. 

World 🌍 food 🍲 day (WFD) :-

  •  From 1981  wfd is celebrated annually with a theme. For example :-
  • 1981-food come first 
  • 1985-rular poverty 
  • 1990-food for the future 🔮
  •  1995- food for all. 
  • 2000-A Millennium free from hunger
  • 2005-Agriculture & intercultural dialogue 
  • 2010-United against hunger . 0
  • 2015- social protection and Agriculture :breaking the cycle of rural poverty. 
  • 2016-Climate change :climate is changing food & Agriculture must too. 2
  • 2017:-change the future of migration. Invest in food security & rural dovelopment. 

2018:-Our action are our future 

  Events :-

              WFD is celebrated in around 150 countries worldwide including India. A large number of events in every year from exhibition, cultural performance, contest ,and concerts to merathons & hunger marches.

  • Its goal is to Achiv zero Hungar by 2030. 

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